
Our goal is to make searching for definitions and synonyms effortless, intuitive, and instant. No clutter or distractions.
Ever find a definition you didn't understand? Now you can hover over any word in the definition without leaving the page.
With InstaDefine, you no longer have to find the act of defining words arduous. It's just a natural extension of your brain.
Quite simply, it's the fastest way to download words you are seeking into your brain.


InstaDefine was created by Prabhav Jain and Jacob Cole. The coding was done in HTML, CSS, Javascript (JQuery), AJAX, MySQL, and PHP.
To begin simply type in a word.

You will be given all the definitions of this word, along with words alphabetically close to it.
Hover over or arrow to any of the word suggestions you'll be provided with their definitions as well.

Don't know the meaning of a word in the definition?
Just hover over the word, and a tooltip will pop up with the definition.